

I due piani di #12 ruotano su se stessi autonomamente.

Gli anelli sono realizzati in due diversi materiali, plexiglass sagomato dal laser e materiale plastico stampato tramite temoformatura per due tipi di diametro, 53 e 97 cm. Le lancette dell’orologio sono definite da due linee sottili che, muovendosi, dipingono un elegante disegno sempre mutevole e in continua evoluzione. La linea nera nel pieno indica le ore, quella bianca nel vuoto i minuti.

Raffinato ed elegante, un oggetto di lusso. Un lusso non legato al suo valore economico ma alla sua ricchezza di far scorrere il tempo senza sentirne il peso.


Three degrees of transparency: black, white, and transparent. One simple and familiar telling: time. Say hello to the minimal #12 Clock by Simone Cappellanti.

Based in Rome, Italy, Simone Cappellanti is a multidisciplinary designer that has a focus on interior spatial design and its components. His recent portfolio addition — #12 Clock — is a luxurious and monumental item that transforms one’s space. According to the designer, luxury here is not related to the economic value, but rather the feeling of time moving without weight. Fittingly, the clock simplistically consists of two circular planes and lines, with the outer ring being transparent plexiglass, giving a weightlessness to the monumentality of this object.

While the black line on the inner circle indicates the hours, the white line represents the minutes. Matching colours of the outer line and the inner plane create a strange and ever-revolving illusion that demonstrates the rolling wheel of time. The lack of numbered marks heightens the sense of subconscious knowledge regarding time. #12’s entirety is a composition of minimum elements required to trigger one’s brain, and I really appreciate Cappellanti’s cleverness to capture that with something so simple and sophisticated.


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